Sad tale of the Toronto Academy of Medicine

The Toronto Academy of Medicine exists as a "shell" in a storage room at SUNNYBROOK Hospital in North Toronto. There is money deposited from the sale of the 288 Bloor building, the interest is used for a free yearly dinner lecture meeting at the VAUGHAN ESTATE donated to Sunnybrook Hospital. The acting President is Ophthalmologist John FOWLER MD(Tor.1958) FRCSC(1972) of 199 Golfdale road, Toronto M4N 2B7.Te:416- 483-5106.. The Academy has lost its Charitable status. There is no yearly AGM. .Recently Dr.Fowler commissioned Academy ties in Blue & Red. With support from the profession & industry, the Academy could be restored to its former important role in Toronto Medicine.

12 December, 2010


M.I.B. now moved to this site because of computer hacking. Old MIB site still visible but new material will be added to this blog.