Sad tale of the Toronto Academy of Medicine

The Toronto Academy of Medicine exists as a "shell" in a storage room at SUNNYBROOK Hospital in North Toronto. There is money deposited from the sale of the 288 Bloor building, the interest is used for a free yearly dinner lecture meeting at the VAUGHAN ESTATE donated to Sunnybrook Hospital. The acting President is Ophthalmologist John FOWLER MD(Tor.1958) FRCSC(1972) of 199 Golfdale road, Toronto M4N 2B7.Te:416- 483-5106.. The Academy has lost its Charitable status. There is no yearly AGM. .Recently Dr.Fowler commissioned Academy ties in Blue & Red. With support from the profession & industry, the Academy could be restored to its former important role in Toronto Medicine.

13 February, 2011


A new Toronto Academy could raise the standard of clinical medicine in Toronto. The University of Toronto has many FREE meetings not advertised to non-Academic MDs.  Without an Academy the non-University specialists and GPs have to rely on pharmaceutical sponsored CME-Dinner meetings or pay about $300 a day for medical meetings..

The Academy could rent space in a building similar to The Cleveland Clinic with 28,000 sq.ft .